When a couple divorces, a plethora of problems arise, mainly if children are involved. Decisions on child custody and visiting rights are critical parts of the process, with several factors influencing the result. Some of these issues are self-evident, while others are not. custody of a kid According to current research, joint custody may be […]

Supported Self-Determination as an Alternative to Guardianship

Supported Self-Determination as an Alternative to Guardianship

Disabled People Have More Autonomy and Control Article 82 of the Kentucky Mental Hygiene Legislation (Article 82) became law earlier this year, providing for assisted decision-making in Kentucky. This new legislation provides persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities with additional tools to help them live productive and successful lives. Before the enactment of Article 82, […]

Can Cannabis Use Affect Your Parenting And Custody Rights?

Can Cannabis Use Affect Your Parenting And Custody Rights?

Adults over 21 can now buy cannabis products for recreational use in Kentucky. But just because marijuana is “legal” in 2022 doesn’t mean that using it doesn’t have any legal consequences. Do you or your former spouse use marijuana? Then you need to know how it could affect your rights as a parent and how […]

How to Get Full Custody of a Child

child hugging her mother with father arguing with lawyer in the background

You have become concerned about the way in which your ex-spouse is raising your children and believe that it would be to their best advantage to spend more time with you. When one parent sues the other to amend the terms of the existing custody arrangement and asks for “full custody” of the children, what […]

Keeping to a Parenting Schedule That Is Split 50/50

child's drawing of family

When parents go to mediation, they often state that they want to share the time spent with their children in an equitable manner. If this is the case, then it’s likely that both the mother and the father are concerned about how they will maintain a positive relationship with their children after they have made […]

Joint Custody & Co-Parenting: Tips for the Holiday Season

Holiday Co-Parenting | Family Law Paducah, Kentucky

Even after a divorce, many parts of parenting can stay the same. That includes maintaining a good parent-child relationship, which often, if not always, requires close attention and care. Children are very likely to be exposed to emotional turbulence after the annulment.  In addition, their lives can become even more unstable if the parents continue […]

What to Do When You Can’t Agree on Child Custody

child custody - disagreement in child custody

When parents of a child can’t agree on how to raise their child, it can create a lot of tension between the parents. One parent may want to live in the “traditional” way, while the other may have an alternative parenting style. There is no perfect answer and no easy solution, but you can use […]